I usually dont do much for New Years but its the ultimate sparkly holiday. Even the ball in Times Square is silver and glittery- so a non-sparkly New Year is unthinkable. Even if Im just watching movies at home there will be glitter.
I really wanted to post these for you before the holiday but I had a CF card and my folks only had an SD reader. Oh and no Internet. So I apologize for the belated bling but I think youll find it very sparkly. This design came about because I thought the China Glaze Emerald Sparkle would make a fantastic olive. From there the martini idea evolved. I did a quick re-do of the design as the original photos were lost but you can get the general idea. I used tips and painted them with Color Club Magic Attraction a thick silver based multi-color glitter and then just threw a topcoat with all different glitters over it.
Behold the Glitter Olive!
 I used the new Sally Hansen nail art pen that I got at Walgreens. It was $7.99 but they had a buy-one-get-one free. Its a thin marker of water-based nail polish. It beads up on dried nail polish because its water based so do not move until its dry. I prefer my Sharpie which is cheaper and doesnt smudge but Sharpie cant be sealed with a topcoat- or at least not one that Ive discovered. Topcoat sort of melts it off but I find that Sharpie will wear for a couple of days. I usually use Sharpie marker on tips rather than my real nails but I dont think its probably any worse for you than regular nail polish.
Below under indoor lighting:
 Sorry about the belated post and hope everyone had a happy and safe New Year!
I am in awe of the glitter olive- behold it in all its sparkly glory!
Great job on the olive! It looks really cool!
The olive was really the whole reason for the design. I love that China Glaze Emerald Sparkle- Im going to try to make a blue version in the near future. Im thinking I want to make a set of nails with sparkly fruits and vegetables if I can get the co